Shellfish Conservation Committee


Commercial Lotteries: Any commercial licenses that may be available on 1 July, 2023 shall be awarded by lottery to be held at 9:30 AM in the Town Office on 10 July, 2023. Applicants for the lottery may fill out applications at the Town Office on 5 & 6 July, 2023. No applications will be accepted on the day of the lottery.

Total Commercial Licenses Available:
Resident Commercial 16 @ $200
Non-resident Commercial 2 @ $400
Resident Student Commercial 2 @ $100

Recreational Licenses:
Recreational licenses will be available on and after July 1, 2023. Ten percent of recreational licenses will be for Non-Residents. Applications for the Non-Resident Recreational License Lottery will be available at the Town Office on 5 & 6 July 2023. No applications will be accepted on the day of the lottery, 9:30 AM, 10 July, 2023. Non-Resident Recreational License applications may be made by phone.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL LICENSES: These licenses are available to those residents who have claimed Georgetown as their permanent and principle place of residence and includes persons owning real residential property which is his or her seasonal or secondary place of residence.

Recreational License Fees:
Resident $20
Non-Resident $35
7 Day Non Resident $25 (not part of the 10% rule)

All diggers must obtain landowner permission to cross private property and/or beaches to dig clams.
All licenses sold starting July 1, both commercial and residential, will expire June 30 of the following year.

Everyone is encouraged to review the Georgetown Shellfish Harvesting Rules before heading out onto the flats for the first time. Click on the link below to view the document.

Shellfish harvesting in Georgetown 2023